Bottle Flies:These flies create a buzzing sound while flying and are scavengers that feed on decaying meat or organic substances. They are transmitters of diseases and are considered to be pests. Bottles flies are typically found outdoors. If a large number of bottle flies is found inside, an indoor breeding site may have been established.
Drain Fly: In homes, adults are found on bathroom, kitchen or basement walls. More active at night, drain flies do not bite and, surprisingly, do not transmit human diseases. Drain flies feed on organic matter and sewage.
Flesh Flies: Flesh flies look like house flies, but are generally larger. They are gray, have a checkerboard pattern on the top of their abdomen, three black stripes running along the top surface of their thorax just behind the head (house flies have four) and sometimes a reddish-brown tip at the end of the abdomen. They are sometimes the first insects to arrive at a dead animal carcass and are similar to blow flies. Areas around the home with rotting matter, such as garbage cans, compost piles, animal droppings, and animal carcasses, can attract flesh fries. Not commonly found in the home, flesh flies frequently infest industrial buildings like meat processing and packing facilities. Adult flesh flies don’t bite humans, but they do feed on liquid substances, and may infest wounds, carrion, and excrement.
Fruit Fly: Populations tend to build during the summer, becoming very abundant at harvest time. Indoors, fruit flies are frequently active at all times of the year. Fruit flies eat ripened fruit and vegetables and fermenting products.
Fungus Knot: Black knot is a fungal disease that affects several species of Prunus in Minnesota. Outbreaks are common in both landscapes and natural areas. Damage varies greatly between infected trees.
Phorid flies: Characteristically short and erratic flight. Adults have a peculiar habit of rapidly running across windows, TV screens, tables, walls and plant foliage. These flies are frequently mistaken for “gnats.”